Online Saturday Class, May 7th

How to Pump Up Your Retirement Account with (Creative) Real Estate Investments with John Bowens

8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Online


Feeling “stuck” with your small-dollar IRA or 401(K), and looking to grow it faster? Equity Trust Company’s own John Bowens will share the basics (do you even have the right account for you?) along with creative ways to grow that account fast starting with little money (master leases, partnering and joint venturing with others to do bigger deals than you can do on your own) and some more advanced structures like IRA-owned LLCs and lending trusts. This is an all-new class built JUST for people who are stalled out in their quest for big retirement incomes.  

Members $47, non-members $97

2022 continues to throw new challenges at us, and we continue to tap the most successful investors in the U.S. to show you how to make money anyway, in our detailed, inexpensive, online Saturday workshops about the most important skills and profitable strategies you can engage in right now.

They’re all online, They’re all ‘live’ on Zoom, They’ll also all be recorded, and you’ll get a download for your real estate library of every single one you register for.
*All Saturday Intensives are FREE for Express Success members; get more details at