Professional Housing Provider (PHP) Certification
How many classes are required to receive the PHP designation?
There are 13 core classes and 7 elective classes required to receive your certification. This is a total of 60 hours of education over 18 to 24 months, depending on the number of classes you can take throughout the year. In addition, the National Real Estate Investors Association offers courses at their national events that can also be applied to PHP credit.
Core classes
- Rehabbing
- Rentals
- Landlord Tenant Law
- Contract Law
- Property Inspections
- Appraising Real Estate
- Finding and Analyzing Deals
- Financial Management and Bookkeeping
- Basics of Real Estate Insurance or Workers Compensation
- Real Estate and Small Business Taxes
- Financing Real Estate
Local/Federal regulations ( 2 classes required)
- Zoning and Land Use
- Property Standards including Codes Violations
- Residential Construction Standards
Elective classes include: Establishing Your legal Identity, Wholesaling, Short Sales, Environmental Issues, Lease Options, and more.
What benefits can be expected from a PHP certification?
Your PHP designation should be proudly displayed everywhere you do business.  The PHP designation furthers everyone’s goals by demonstrating to legislators, regulators, and the public that we are informed business professionals who make an ongoing contribution to the community. Our ultimate goal is to prevent more legislation and regulations directed at landlords.
Ongoing tracking of PHP credits?
REIN automatically tracks your PHP credits every time you check into an event. You can see these in your member profile.
Do I need continuing education to maintain my PHP?
Yes, you will need 2 classes (10 hours) of training a year to maintain your certification.
How do I start?
Join the REIN Community, select your first event, register and attend! It’s that easy.