
Why volunteer?
REIN is a not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization that runs because of volunteers just like you. We need YOUR help! When you volunteer you meet other investors and strengthen the organization. Get education, network with seasoned investors, and meet vendors that can help in your rentals and rehabs, and MORE!

How do I volunteer?

Volunteers are one of the lifeblood of REIN; volunteers have the ability to grow their network and knowledge faster than any other group.

It is your organization. To help make it what you want it to be, volunteer today.

Some of the roles needed include:

– Greeting guests and new members at The Main Event – our Monthly General Meeting (Greeter)
– Helping guests feel welcome and connected (REIN Connector)
– When members come to our Main Event ensuring they have been marked as attending (Check-in)
– Helping those who attend where to park and where to enter the building (Parking)
– In the food area at the Main Event: Always one of the most popular areas at our monthly meeting. We need help with ensuring the water is cold and plentiful, that plates, utensils and napkins are always available, and to help with cleanup when the food is gone. (Food Area)

– Want to volunteer but only once a year? The Grand Expo is our biggest event of the year and we need your help to make it great. (Annual Grand Expo)