Saturday September 23rd 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Central
The One Day Wealth Amplifier Workshop
That Will Turn Your Investing Plan
On Its Head—Guaranteed.
With George Antone, Bestselling Author of The Wealthy Code
If you feel like you’re following all the “rules”—working hard, acquiring assets, making good deals, paying them off—but you’re not getting to financial independence NEARLY as fast as you thought you would, COME TO THIS.
Yes, you’re ‘missing something’, and that something is the bigger picture of how the financial system is literally stacked against you (no, this isn’t conspiracy theory paranoia: inflation and taxation and opportunity costs are provably real).
This online workshop will show you how the bigger world of finance is holding you back, and how to restructure your investments to make it work FOR you, instead of against you.
And if it doesn’t, you pay nothing.
Find out more and for heaven’s sake, register…HERE.