How to Create a Credibility Package to Get the All the Funding You Need

8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Online

Do you want more access to private money, bank lines of credit, and partners to fund your rehabs, rentals, notes, and other assets?
         Of course you do. We ALL do.
         So it’s time you put do something that’s proven to work, but which very few of your competitors will bother to put together: a credibility kit to put into the hands of people with money, to show them why THEY should want to work with YOU.
         And no, you don’t have to be an experienced investor, or have tons of assets, or a degree in real estate, to develop a credibility kit that will put you head and shoulders above your so-called ‘competitors’ where it comes to getting the funding you need.

In this online workshop, you’ll find out:
Why there’s a lot more to consistently, easily, getting funding for deals than just “Filling out the FNMA form”, or your credit score, or any of the other things you think about when you think “loan application”
How a credibility kit sets you apart from every other investor asking for money, whether it’s from your local bank or a private lender
Everything you should include to make private lenders, bankers, partners, and other money people take you seriously, whether you happen to be brand new to the real estate business, or an old pro
How you can make your credibility kit look professional for not much cost
When and how to use it
How to use your credibility kit to tap equity you didn’t even know you had to get down payments and repair funding

Your instructor is Robert Mohon, past president of Real Estate Investors of Nashville (REIN), multi-decade veteran of the credit industry, and an “Ender” who’s borrowed millions of dollars to buy dozens of houses using exactly the technique he’s sharing in this workshop.

But wait, there’s more…EVERYONE WHO REGISTERS gets:

  1. A template kit with a list of documents and information to include (which you can modify for your particular situation
  2. An easy-to-use excel spreadsheet that lets you keep all of your important numbers in the same place, and update them for the next time you need to borrow money
  3. Recordings of the class for your library

And here’s what some of the folks who attended in the past said about this workshop:
The spreadsheet alone is worth the cost of admission—Bret Stewart, Cincinnati
Great info, very organized!!  Make it easy on yourself!!—Deborah McCann, Columbus
Pure platinum! what a time saver!—Roxanna Clements, Chattanooga
Very comprehensive and a TON of excellent information!!—Anita Johnson, Cincinnati
Mind-blowingly great!—Lara Justeen, Kansas City
Bugger me blind! Cheese and rice! I don’t have words for how awesome this is. Thank you Robert Mohon.—Jodi Gruhn (yes, this is a real one, and yes, we love her now)

And, as always, you’ll agree that this unique, detailed workshop will pay you back IN REAL RESULTS, or we’ll give you your money back!

The market continues to throw new challenges at us, and we continue to tap the most successful investors in the U.S. to show you how to make money anyway, in our detailed, inexpensive, online Saturday workshops about the most important skills and profitable strategies you can engage in right now. They’re all online, They’re all ‘live’ on Zoom, They’ll also all be recorded, and you’ll get a download for your real estate library of every single one you register for.

*All Saturday Intensives are FREE for Express Success members; get more details HERE