Shaun McCloskey is back at REIN!

The 4 Steps to Building an Insanely Profitable Real Estate Business (that You’ll Also Fall in Love With) with Shaun McCloskey
So much of what we learn about real estate is strategic: HOW do I [find deals, get money, manage tenants, do renovations].
And that’s all important, but if you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and FUN real estate career, it’s JUST as important to step back and ask bigger questions, like:
· “Am I sure that I’m focusing my time and efforts on the right things?â€
· “Is the strategy I’m pursuing the right fit for me, in the long run?â€
· “Am I building a business that supports my bigger vision for my life, or one that’s going to consume all of my time and energy?â€
· “Am I loving what I’m doing, or do I do it for the money?â€
Here’s a big secret that goes against the grain of what you may believe about real estate success: it’s not about who you are, or where you came from, or how hard you hustle. It’s about doing what most people don’t: thoughtfully, intentionally designing a business that fits your vision, your lifestyle, your passions, and your personality.
Our Featured Presenter, Shaun McCloskey, has been helping some of the highest-level real estate investors and gurus in the country do exactly that for over a decade, and now he’s making a very rare association appearance to help US have a more prosperous AND joyful 2020. You’ll leave this meeting knowing:
· Why goal setting alone doesn’t work. Not for ANYONE.
· Why making business plans based on financial considerations alone is the certain death of your business
· Why working more hours in your business probably makes you LESS productive
· How to create a strategic game plan for your business that will ACTUALLY get you from where you are now to where you want to be in just 6-12 months—not years or decades, like it takes most people
Start the decade off right, with the tools you need to envision and build not just the business, but the LIFE that creates the meaning, impact, fulfillment, and prosperity you’ve always dreamed of.