How I’d Make a Million in 5 Years or Less (Starting from Scratch)

Monday, June 10th 2019

5200 Franklin Pike Nashville, TN 37220

Click here for directions

5:00 pm

Snacks while they last, networking, and vendor visits

5:30-6:15 pm

Breakout Sessions

  • Women’s Focus Group
  • Landlord Focus Group
  • Advanced Investors Group
  • Ask the Real Estate Pro

Click here to reserve your seat


Meeting call to order, guest session, door prizes, awards, success stories, and the Featured Presentation

Click HERE to reserve your seat

Featured Presentation:

Join us for the panel discussion with our most experienced members.  They’ll share how they’d make a mill in 5 years if they had to start all over.  Between them, they have something like 100 years of experience and thousands of transactions under their belts. It’s that experience they’ll use to tell YOU about the best ways to make money WITH money – or WITHOUT money, the resources you need to gather NOW, the roads to NOT go down, what to avoid, and more.

This meeting is a once in a lifetime chance to gather hard-won, in-the-trenches advice from people who’ve reached the summit you’re climbing toward now.

Click here to meet the panel!